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32-46 Castlereagh Road Belfast, BT5 5FP

Offers around £625,000

Key Information

Address 32-46 Castlereagh Road Belfast, BT5 5FP
Price Offers around £625,000
Style Investment Property
EPC Rating D91
Status For sale

Additional Information


The subject site occupies a high profile location on the Castlereagh Road.


The Castlereagh Road is one of Belfast’s principal arterial routes thus benefitting from a substantial daily traffic flow. There are also a large number of residential properties within walking distance of the subject premises.


Local occupiers also include Russells Convenience Store, A McLean Bookmakers, Willowfield Surgery and Aunt Sandra’s.



The subject comprises a total site area of approximately 0.27 acres with c. 15,276 sq ft of accommodation.


Ground Floor Units 1-3 comprises a café of approximately 1,778 sq ft of open plan servery, seating and kitchen space. 


Ground Floor Units 4-6 comprises approximately 3,464 sq ft of retail space, currently occupied as a convenience store & post office.


The first and second floors comprise of approximately 10,034 sq ft of open plan snooker halls


Potential to split into multiple retail units or redevelop the site, subject to the necessary approvals.


For further details please see attached brochure or to arrange a viewing, please contact Ryan McKenna or Scott Lawther on 02890 500100