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Former Ballyvarley West Service Reservoir, Scarva Road Banbridge, BT32 3QG


Key Information

Address Former Ballyvarley West Service Reservoir, Scarva Road Banbridge, BT32 3QG
Price Last listed at Offers over £25,000
Land type Commercial Land (with no PP)
Size 0.3 acres
Planning No Planning Permission
Status Sale Agreed

Additional Information


The subject comprises a former Northern Ireland Water (NIW) service reservoir which is no longer in operational use and accordingly, is now surplus to requirements.

The main body of the site is rectangular in shape and has a total area of approximately 0.12 hectares (0.3 acres) to include the internal access road.

The site is situated off the Scarva Road via a laneway shared with the occupier of agricultural buildings. There is a secondary self-contained lane running off this which leads to the main body of the service reservoir site.

The main body of the site is characterised by grassland to include the main reinforced concrete water tank which sits above ground level and is covered on 3 sides by grass embankments.




The subject site is located on the southern side of the Scarva Road in the Co. Down countryside with surrounding land use principally comprising agricultural land with sporadic residential dwellings, farm buildings and local commercial entities.


The site is situated approximately 2.5 miles west of Banbridge, 10 miles from Portadown and 28 miles from Belfast.


For further details please see attached brochure, or to arrange a viewing please contact either Brian Wilkinson or Ben Escott on 02890 500100.