Non-Domestic Rating Revaluation 2023

McKibbin Commercial in Belfast

12th January 2023

Non-Domestic Rating Revaluation 2023


  • The rating revaluation of all non-domestic properties in Northern Ireland totalling some 74,750 properties is effective on 1st April 2023 and is based on rental levels from October 2021
  • The last revaluation of non-domestic properties took place on 1st April 2020.
  • The purpose of regular rating revaluation is to re-balance rates liability.
  • Rating liability is based on the Net Annual Value (NAV) of a property which is based on an assessment of the rental value at a set point in time i.e. October 2021
  • The NAV is then multiplied by a Rate in the Pound to calculate the rates payable in any given rating year commencing 1st April.

What happens next?

  • Land & Property Services are in the process of revaluing all non-domestic properties in Northern Ireland for rates.
  • Land & Property Service published draft values on January 11th 2023 which provides ratepayers with an opportunity to assess if their new NAV represents a fair rental value.
  • Occupiers will not know their full rating liability until the new regional and district poundage’s are set in early 2023.
  • Occupier’s new rating obligations will become effective on 1st April 2023.

Options available to Occupiers / Property Owners

  • All occupiers and property owners can submit an application for revision to Land & Property Services. There are further rights of appeal to the Lands Tribunal should the occupier remain dissatisfied with the NAV assessment.
  • It is important that during the appeal process factors that affect rental values are presented to Land & Property Services in a reasoned and logical manner and supported by market evidence.

Why McKibbin Commercial?

  • McKibbin Commercial are one of Northern Ireland’s longest established commercial property consultants with over 100 years’ experience in the local property market.
  • Our experience covers a wide range of sectors including: Retail, Office, Industrial, Shopping Centre’s and Licensed Premises.
  • Our team of expert and experienced chartered surveyors will guide and advise you through each part of the Revaluation process.

What McKibbin Commercial can do for you

  • Offer preliminary advice on the potential impact of the revaluation.
  • Provide budget estimates on your new NAV.
  • Advise on whether or not your new NAV should be challenged.
  • Make applications/appeals on your behalf, following statutory procedures and time limits.
  • Negotiate any appeals on your behalf and keeping you regularly updated throughout the process.
  • Present cases to the Lands Tribunal, where necessary.
  • Calculate and collect refunds, where appropriate.

Please contact the rating team at McKibbin Commercial today for further advice on 028 90 500 100